Malware C2 detection
It is just another malware campaign spread with CobaltStrike. We know an employee clicks on a link, downloads a file, and then network speed issues and anomalous traffic activity arises.
What is the name of the file downloaded from the CobaltStrike C2 connection?
_path=="http" | cut id.orig_h, id.resp_h, id.resp_p, method, host, uri | uniq -c
4564.exe |
What is the number of CobaltStrike connections using port 443?
_path=="conn" | | 443 | count()
328 |
There is an additional C2 channel in used the given case. What is the name of the secondary C2 channel?
event_type=="alert" | cut alert.signature | sort -r | uniq -c | sort -r count
IcedID |
Alert |